4.25" ceramic coaster with cork backing
6x6" trivet with cork backing
(trivets can tolerate heat up to 375 degrees, and can also be used as a spoon rest)
"Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!", Patrick Henry
"The British are Coming!", Paul Revere
"These are the Times that try Men's Souls", Thomas Paine
"Join or Die!", Benjamin Franklin
"Don't Tread on Me", Christopher Gadsden
"I Only Regret that I Have but One Life to Give For My Country", Nathan Hale
"We Must All Hang Together, or Assuredly We Shall All Hang Separately", Benjamin Franklin
"There, I guess King George Will be Able to Read that Without His Spectacles!", John Hancock
"Don't Fire Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes!" Israel Putnam at the Battle of Bunker Hill
"We Fight, We Get Beat, We Rise and Fight Again", Nathanael Greene
"Don't Fire Unless Fired Upon, But if They Mean to Have a War, Let it Begin Here", Capt. John Parker
"Humanity has Won its Battle. Liberty Now Has a Country", Marquis de Lafayette